Thursday, April 22, 2010

Top 20 video is posted!

Congrats to our lucky twenty competitors, who can be seen on our channel or the video.

If you didn't get in, I'm so sorry. There were quite a few people that I wish I could have let in so bad but there just wasn't enough room. I encourage SuperMagicSkater, bluefroggie2, soccerag09, and so many others to try again next season (those were the first three girls that came to mind, so don't be offended because I can't remember everyone). That's what made judging this so hard and made the wait so long, is because I had such a hard time picking only twenty of 121.

I'll post Assignment One ASAP - and much faster than the results!


Friday, April 9, 2010

AGMA is back!

The hacker, who isn't really a "hacker", gave us the account back yesterday. AGMA is back - but not better than ever. All of the videos were deleted, but do not worry, I made a list of everyone who entered before this, so I am still able to judge. Judging is now running very smoothly; I have now chosen 13 models - only 7 left to pick! If you don't get in, remember - there are 100 other girls that didn't get in and are just as disappointed as you.

The results will be up in a matter of days, maybe hours. Please continue to be patient! The wait will be over soon!


Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Yes, it's true. The American Girl Modeling Acacdemy Youtube account has been hacked and closed.

We are not sure who did it, but I don't know what they though they were going to gain from it. The AGMA team is currently working on re-building the new (and hopefully temporary) account, and I, Anya, am still working on the model list for Season Three.

If you think it was us that did this for attention or something, you are terribly wrong. No one on the AGMA has time for that or is that low.

If you happen to be the criminal behind this wrong-doing, feel free to message us on Youtube and straighten things out. We won't be mad, we just need the password from you and from there we can reopen the account. You can and will remain anonymous.
